Monday, February 27, 2006
I had a great saturday in church this week as i spent almost the whole day there, doing stuff and preparing for sunday service.
early in the morning, i made my way down to church for piano lessons... it was really a great time as i got down to know how to better play the songs and the different variations of doing so. although there was scolding, but it was cos we needed it... =X
then i stayed back till the ava training time at 530 and spent the time in betweeen 10am to 530pm to have a follow up with bro sean, take part in the children's ministry, as well as designing more backgrounds. (yes yes... they will be uploaded later)
then at 530 we had our ava training/ preparation which lasted till like close to 10pm in think. i was actually supposed to have dinner with my parents but surprisingly when i told them that i was doing stuff in church and don't think i can meet them, they agreed to it... haha... so yup yup... after a bit of tweaking of the pictures and fonts, the annoucements for church on sunday was done.
it was a long day in church but it was fun and enjoyable doing the things for God, as well as seeing the kids and playing around with them. and yes... we need a bigger place!! haha... building fund!!! =)
*as promised, more backgrounds for you!!*

superman & batman (world's finest)

superman & batman2 (world's finest)

mighty mouse
Friday, February 24, 2006
*bangs head at wall*
brain not really working very well today... staring too long at the computer screen for the past few days... staring at it while in at work (i got two monitor screens too look at), staring at it when at home, and sometimes when i'm travelling from place to place. headaches now and the world seems to be spinning... lol...
well, here are some designs that i have come up with for the past few days, to be used for this week's church background thingee. the theme is superheros, and well... i dun think i need to ssy more... for a picture says a thousand words...

Ichigo (from bleach)


All picture are copyrighted... blah blah blah... sources are blah blah blah...
Hope you like them. for more enquires or requests for specific superheros, do let me know. =)
Thursday, February 16, 2006
wanted to get down to writing my blog, but apparently, dun havethat much time to do so... work is fine... kinda got down to nowing what i am supposed to do... but still feeling a bit lost about it. anyway... important decisions to make are coming soon, or should i say, are already here and need to be done.
1stly - i gotta choose my specialisation...
cos i just got to attend a semiar yesterday about the intergrated chip (IC) industry and of course it sounded good... but then i came to realise that being an engineer means that i would not have a lot of time to myself, as in being an IC designer means a lot of time needs to be put into my work... anyway, with my grades, i dun think they will chose me anyway... but at least submit it... and give it a shot... haha...
but more importantly would be that i more or else confirmed i'll be going into photonics and this would lead to my other decision
2ndly- i gotta choose my fyp
actually my fyp (final year project) should be done in , duh, my final year, but my mentor was saying that i can actually start doing it now, during my attachment. but i still gotta consider if i wanna embark on the fyp that the prof offered me. and i still dun know what and how it would be done.
do i need to go back to sch and do the project every evening? and etc...
gotta get down and pray and ask God which would be the correct decision to make.
life is full of decisions, some more urgent than others, some straight out direct, some, well, u dun really have a choice. =)
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Well... its valentines' day again... so if you're without a date... here are some things that you can do.
10) Ask all your other friends that are without dates and go out together. (since you can't have a date does not mean u can't have many dates!! =] )
9) take this chance to update your blog (like wat im doing now)
8) tidy up your room (in case some friends come over)
7) ask your parents about things that they remember that you did when you were a child (family bonding time)
6) take out your books and study (at least you have a quiet night to do that for once)
5) play online games the whole night (eg maple story, slikroad, RO, WOW)
4) improve on your musical skills, either singing, guitar playing or the piano (and hope that you will be able to sweep girls off their feet and get a date)
3) Sleep the whole night away!!! (recommanded) (hey, at least you get to recharge from the stress of this day)
2) call a friend that you know would be out on a date (not recommanded) (since you can't get a date, why not ruin one? lol)
1) give you ex-girlfriend a call (really not recommanded) -_-
so watever it may be, here's wish all a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. @->--
Friday, February 10, 2006
Yestersday i had cell group, or EVBS, as we called it. it was fun and the testimonies that we shared were all great. Bro sean also had a short sermon which i felt, spoke to all the hearts of the people who were in the room. I would have hoped that my friend, wee keong, would have been able to make it down. but due to work in the office, he was unable to leave the workplace as there were things that needed to be done.
But I do know and pray that the one day when he does make it down to church or cell, that God would turn his left upside down and right side up. I also need to have more time to talk to him as due to being in the different departments, i have not been able to talk to him much.
Onward charge, and bring down heaven to earth, by bringing the good news to all. Amen.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Not feeling all too well today... having a running nose all day long since the day started. but at least I'll be going to watch a movie soon! I just hope that i dun fall asleep in my current sickly state. ohoh... time to go... almost time to knock off... (at630pm.. sheeh...)
Just got a call... i think my mum is cooking tonight. dun know if it would be nice if i went out to watch a movie though. darn... haiz... will have to decide later then. knocking off work is so much better. at least I'll be out of the air con.... i miss the sun!!! need to go to the beach soon... if i have the time that is... so many things to do and decide nowadays... but still... life go on... and on... and on... blah blah... signing out... zzzzzz.....