Wednesday, October 22, 2008
today in class the Prof talked about one of my fav shows... Man vs Wild... and he talked about what to do when faced with a charging rhino or when a lion come running it you.
The solution may not be what you would have guessed it to be...
Most of us would say... RUN!!! but try out running the both of them... you'll only find yourself either mauled to death or being served as a unique cuisine for the lions.
what to do... is not what your instincts tell you to... which most of us would run... but rather the right thing to do... is...
for the rhinos, stand your ground and only when the rhino is running and charging and very near you... then you dash to your left or right and run for cover. (try to decide on one before you dash, in case you happened to be undecided, and before you know it... flattened)
for the lions... listen well... jump up and down, wave your arms, make noise and hopefully you'll scare it away... due to youe 'enlarged' size. if you dont succeed, it least you made the lion's day by giving it a good laugh. =)
point of the day... sometimes don't trust you instincts... but rather, know what you need to do... so as to see the next sunrise. =)
Friday, August 08, 2008
hey hey,
today there was this national day event at NIE where students had to dress up in costumes that they made to refer the uniquely Singapore flavour as well as the Youth Olympics that Singapore would be holding in the year 2010.
It was really great fun as I was one of the few 'chosen' to be dressed up. It was a long an tiring process trying to get the costume to fruition, but it was fun! =)
Another friend of mine was also involved and she got into the final rounds... that was like so cool... haha...
Sadly, I didn't, but it was still quite an experience getting to walk on stage and do a catwalk... haha... like models...
When the event was over, it was like so late already... tired as i was, i just made my way home... a bit bored... so maybe i'll sleep early... thinking about stuff... making my brain hurt a bit... haha...
next week... got assignemnts due, quizzes coming up... and project running due... 'Exciting' lifestyle at NIE... lol...
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
I'm once again back in school... NIE to be precise... and i'm already feeling the tired long days... haha... =)
still going to study a bit more before i hit the sack... jia you! =)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
just wanted to comment on some of the anime i managed to watch recently and hopefully, u too will join in my hobby of watching anime.
Recent favs, would include code geass: lelouch of the rebellion R2, macross frontier, D-grayman. Of course, i ommitted those common ones like naruto and bleach, i believe thatmost of you who do watch anime, would be watch those already.
D-grayman has been sticking to the manga storyline, which is a good thing, rather than all those useless 'filler' episodes in other animes. The fighting part is picking up, which is a good thing, esp the upcoming battles btw the noah and the exorcists.
Macross frontier is something new, can't gauge where is it yet... but it has to do with mecha... macross somemore... so oh well... haha
Code geass is one of my fav, although i think most of you anime people may not have heard or keep to it... but i think you should... haha...
One series that I recently completed would be the Seirei no Moribito. It's a really nice series that has already been completed. I really like the fighting scenes, as well as the heartwarming scenes in the show. a real good show with a balance of family, fighting and fantasy.
That's all for now... will keep you all updated.
long long long long time no see... how have all of you been?
i'm thinking of restarting my blog again as i've got a lot of things to say... just not very good at finding a medium to talk about it. so i figured... y not blog again... haha... hope i can continue on rather than to stop every now and then...
jia you!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
yup yup... so i did went to do some searching and managed to get some pictures... so here they are...

after watching episode 3 of gurren lagann, i sure got a good laugh out of the series so far. Kamina, the tall guy with the cool glasses in the anime, does the funniest things, and at the end of the day, something unexpected happens from it. the series is nice and fun to watch, and i wonder how long the anime will run for this title...
Apprently, the mecha nowadays in japanese anime have upgraded to have a mind of its own. Currently, two of the three mecha related anime that i'm watching, have a mind of its own. they are iDOLM STER XENOGLOSSIA and Gigantic Formula. For the both of them, they robots sort of chose their own pilots and thats that.
With the ending of some of the series like Busou Rekin, Ghost hunt, Gundam Seed Destiny, Zegapain, S-Strain and Code geass(the last 4 are mecha related), new anime titles have surfaced!
Other than the two that i mentioned, other titles like Claymore, Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann and Heroic age are some of the other anime titles that you should watch! yup yup, pictures-wise, would depend on if i got time to find them and make them into wallpapers, so for now just look for them via google! ciaoz...
Monday, April 16, 2007
haha... something interesting that i just found out. If you go under google search and key in my name: kng zhiying, you would be able to find various info about me and even pictures too! that crazy man... =P
Saturday, April 07, 2007
decided that it was time to get a new wallpaper and wat better way to do that by designing your own... as most of my friends would know... i'm an anime fanatic, so wat better wallpaper to do than one on my fav anime series at the moment?

just to let u know... the series is called code geass, currently till episode 23 i think, and i think its a great series so far with more great action and twists to come.
my my... look at the time... need coffee... *zombified*
*update* did a minor change to the pic (let there be light)